
These are the tales of our journey raising the cutest little lady around.
We play, we craft, we cook, but mostly we laugh. Enjoy the peek into our world!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Consolidating Projects

I have decided to merge this blog with my other blog Working on a Project. You can head over there by clicking on the button below. Monthly updates about Lady M will be posted there as well as other fun stuff about how I attempt to juggle all my projects. If it's your first time visiting the other site, you may want to start here or you can click the button and just scroll through the previous posts to catch up.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ham, anyone?

Emmerson is funny and she knows it! If she makes you laugh, she is so pleased with herself and attempts to duplicate the reaction. Here are some of her recent antics. 

"Come on, you know I'm funny"
"I just want to shop in peace. Please no pictures"
"You will laugh and you will like it"

When I was pregnant, a friend said "Can you imagine a kid with both Jon and Nicolette's sense of humor. This kid is going to be the greatest smart ass ever!" Well, imagine no more. Here she is ...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

20ish Month Summary

It seems as if our little Lady becomes more of a little girl and less of a baby every day. She will be 20 months in two weeks so I thought a summary of her development to date was in order.

January 19, 2010
January 25, 2011
Height: 33.75 inches (BTW: That is 2.75 inches more then half of me)

Weight: 26.5 lbs

Clothing Size: 18-24 months are starting to fit less and less as each day passes by. So we have started transitioning to 24 months/2T. Which by the way are not exactly the same. Information that would have been helpful before I ordered a tons of new stuff online.

Shoe Size: Right now a 6 but I have 7’s ready to go because it seems like her feet grow overnight.

Favorite Foods - Blueberries (have been for a very long time). Overall, she is a great eater. She will try anything once. She is not crazy about leafy things but still tries them if I give them to her. Last night, we have Lettuce Wraps for dinner. I only put the chicken on her plate but when she saw us eating them in the lettuce she wanted it too. I made her a mini one and she seemed to like it.

Table Manners - Emmerson has awesome spoon and fork skills! Still a little messy but overall very impressive. She now sits on her own side of the table in a booster seat and has taken well to the social aspect of dinner. Most nights she waits patiently and engages in “conversation” with us throughout the meal. If you give her a napkin, she places it in her lap and on occasion will use it. More often then not to pretend to blow her nose but when prompted will wipe her hands and face. Here’s a cute video of  her “asking” for her hands to be cleaned.

A Cookie with a side of OCD

She creates endless meals in her pretend kitchen and hosts a tea party almost everyday

Makes the "shhh" sound as
she pours the tea
Sharing with George

She also loves to play with blocks and little people. It is so fun to watch her make the little people "speak" to each other. Her love for music and dance is ever expanding. We have a basket of musical toys that she plays with very regularly.

This kid loves to read! If all you want to do is sit and read to her all day, she will be happy. She will also happily “read” to herself for a good portion of time. Her favorite books are the ones with flip tabs like the Little People ones.
at Barnes & Noble
Color much? Oh yeah, this girl can work a crayon.

Emmerson’s vocabulary is increasing daily. She can recite most animals’ sounds and can identify a surprising number of animals in books. Even animals that I’m sure we have never seen been. For example, we have a new zoo book and I asked her to point to the ostrich and she totally knew it. Not sure how but she knew it.

The most recent addition to her repute is Mum Mum. Not Mama or Mommy but Mum Mum and it is never a single Mum. It is always a string of Mum Mum Mum Mum. When I’m not here she will walk around the looking for me and calling Mum Mum Mum. Jon tries to explain I’m at work but she just keeps looking.  So sad, yet sweet!

It total she probably has over twenty or so words/sounds such as dog, cat, Dad, Mum, go, what’s that, peees (please), bird, moon, bubble, balloon, weeee (as she runs or plays outside), ball, lub (love) you, uh oh, pants, and endless animals sounds.

Lately, she has tried a few more complicated names like Olivia. She has the O-L part down and then just wiggles her tongue through the rest.

In summary, she is an awesome little person and I love spending our days with her.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Better late then never ...

Getting settled into the new year has taken a little longer then I hoped but I think we now have a good groove so I will be posting more frequently. Until then enjoy this slideshow I put together in a great program called Smilebox.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our 2010 Christmas Card

These photos were taken by Connie R Photography and I couldn't be more pleased with how they turned out. I'll post the full album next week when I'm off from work. I'm so happy we decided on the formal attire. The wardrobe selection took a few weeks to plan out but it was totally worth it. I can't wait until next year's session, I already have some fun ideas!

Noir Stars Christmas
Create beautiful photo Christmas cards at
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ready? Go, Go!

It seems that lately Lady E is mastering new words and sounds almost daily. You never realize how much you use a certain word or phrase until there is a human sponge walking around repeating everything you say. I have the habit of saying various versions of, “Come on, we have to (get dressed, clean up, change your butt, etc), let’s go, let’s go, let’s go (while clapping).” Not sure why or when this started but apparently motherhood has made me into a one woman cheering squad. Well, I may not be a one-woman show for long, because Miss. E has taken up the “Go” part. If you ask her, “Are you ready?” She says “Go, go.” Do you want to turn the Christmas tree on? “Go, go”. What does a car do? “Vroom, go.” If she is in stroller when we are out and she wants you to keep moving, you guessed it, “Go, go.”

Again, no audio evidence yet but here are some photos of her on the “go, go.”

 Practicing her soccer moves with Dad

"Yes, we most definitely need these for the tree"

 She just looks crazy here but I love crazy 

"Oh, I am not supposed to be playing gardening tools? This is the first I've heard of these rules"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Her Little Voice

Our little lady has been chattering about for some months now but lately it has been in context. So the other day when I walked into the room and she very clearly said “Hi” my heart about exploded. Her little voice is so tiny, so delicate, so cute, it’s palatable. Like any camera crazy Mom, I tried on and off again for hours to capture that amazing sound on film but was unsuccessful. I will keep trying so I can share it with you but selfishly I want that moment for me. Because down the road when I’m getting the cold shoulder from her teenage self or worse, a screaming teenage rant, I want to be able to play it back and have that heart exploding with love feeling again and again and again. In the meantime, I will continue to chase her around with a camera until she can ask me (nicely) to stop.